Fred Gay
Fred has been a club member for 4 years. In addition to co-chairing our annual chili/soup supper, he helps each year with our All Makes Car and Truck show, His spare time allows him to participate in club activities and pursue his zeal for autocross.
Vice President
Andy Graham
Andy is newer to the club and is anxious to make an impact by supporting and encouraging driving events and activities.
Dana Wondercheck
Dana has been with the club for several years and is hoping to have an impact by organizing club information and increasing communication.
Karen Stroman
Karen has served as the club treasurer for many years and is key to our club's charity work.
MCA Representative
Jack Hodges
Jack is newer to the club but is already having an impact keeping us informed of MCA activities and directives.
Newsletter Editor
Waiting for elections.
Website Admin
Nat Menagh
Nat has been with the club for a couple of years and helps us with things that you cannot use a wrench on.